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100 February Journal Prompts to Boost Your Emotional Awareness

It’s already February. Already one whole month passed this year. Do you feel aligned? Are you on the right path? Use these February journal prompts to boost your emotional awareness and to stay connected with your dreams… or get back on track to reach your goals.

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What to write about in your journal in February

Not gonna lie, when we think February, there’s one specific day that come to mind: Valentine’s Day.

While there’s a lot more than Valentine’s Day making February special, like Black History Month or the fact that there’s only 28 days, it’s hard not to think about the day of “love”.

Love. Love is the topic I believe we should focus on the second month of the year. After all, as social creatures, love is what humans live for.

There are so many meanings to love and, in my opinion, to master love is to master life. What does love mean to you?

Here’s my take on the topic:

Love starts with yourself. You can only give as much love to others as you give to yourself.

Hurt people hurt people. And love heals. And I know it might sound really vague… but I’ve experienced it and now, I know there’s no going back.

When you deeply realize what love is really about, you change. You also understand how you acted (or reacted) from a place of ego instead of a place of love.

So. I’ve written these February journal prompts with that in mind.

Understanding the true meaning of love, more specifically self-love, takes time. Healing takes time.

So when use these February journal prompts, keep in mind that they are timeless, and not meant to be answered all at once.

They’re a tool that should be used and re-used over and over again.

They are self-discovery journal prompts, self-love journal prompts, introspection journal prompts. But altogether, these February journal prompts are meant to help you boost your emotional awareness and, ultimately, help you heal and give more love to yourself.

Journaling tips for beginners

No matter how good your February journal prompts are, it won’t do much if you don’t actually take the time to write.

Journaling is a habit to develop. Maybe you didn’t quite follow through your New Year resolution in January.

That’s okay. These February journal prompts will help you to get started; or get back on track.

But first, here’s some tips to help you to make writing a daily habit (I swear it’s not as hard as it looks!):

    1. Focus on the developing the habit of writing, rather than focusing on how and what to write.
    2. Don’t overthink it. Write what’s on your mind or use prompts.
    3. Don’t wait to have the perfect journal, pen or timing. Writing is writing. So just start writing.
    4. Start small and keep it simple. For example, you could start by committing to writing 1 thought or sentence a day.
    5. Put your journal out in a place that you can see it, like on your bedside table.
    6. Choose and commit to a time and place you’re going to write everyday, and set a reminder on your phone.
    7. Get excited about writing; pair this habit with something you already do and enjoy, like taking a bath or sipping your morning coffee.

100 February Journal Prompts to Boost Your Emotional Awareness

Here are 100 February journal prompts for personal growth to help you self-reflect and boost your emotional awareness:

    1. How do I feel about January?
    2. What did I accomplish in January?
    3. What goal did I not accomplish in January? Should I let it go or push it back to February?
    4. One word to describe how the month of January went
    5. Do I feel on track with my New Year resolutions? If not, what can I do to be more aligned?
    6. How could I adjust my New Year resolutions? Could I do less, or more? How?
    7. What habit do I want to leave behind entering the new month?
    8. February is a shorter month. How can I make sure I make the most of it?
    9. How can I do more of what I love in February?
    10. How can I do less of what I don’t like in February?
    11. Do I feel like I should slow down, keep up the pace or accelerate in February? Why?
    12. One word to describe how I want the month of February to go.
    13. What are my expectations for February?
    14. 3 things I’m looking forward to this month
    15. 1 thing I’m not looking forward to this month, and how can I stay positive about it?
    16. What are my intentions for the month?
    17. What are some goals I want to reach by the end of the month?
    18. A small commitment I can make with myself for the rest of the year
    19. How can I make sure I accomplish everything I wish by the end of the month?
    20. 3 ways I can improve the relationship I have with myself
    21. What’s my definition of love?
    22. In what areas of my life can I show more compassion to myself, and how?
    23. 3 people I love and why
    24. Who’s one person I can show more appreciation to this month?
    25. What’s my definition of self-compassion?
    26. How can I give more compassionate with myself?
    27. What are some examples of self-love?
    28. 10 self-care activities I want to do in February
    29. 1 person I want to make time for this month
    30. One person I want to strengthen my relationship this month
    31. One boundary I can set with myself in February
    32. One boundary I can set with other people in February
    33. How can I show myself more acceptance?
    34. 3 actions I can take that are aligned with my higher purpose in February
    35. What does embracing my feminine energy mean to me?
    36. How can I embody more of my feminine energy?
    37. 3 things I can do daily to be more mindful
    38. A mindfulness habit I want to create in February
    39. A new self-development tool I can use this month?
    40. What self-development area of life I want to focus on?
    41. One way I can elevate my spirituality
    42. One action I can take daily to elevate my mindset and be more positive
    43. What does Valentine’s Day mean to me?
    44. How do I feel about Valentine’s Day?
    45. How important is Valentine’s Day for me, really?
    46. How can I prepare for Valentine’s Day to feel my best?
    47. How can I cope with loneliness during Valentine’s Day without resisting it?
    48. How can I embrace loneliness but still feel empowered in my feminine energy?
    49. How can I treat myself during Valentine’s Day?
    50. 3 friends I can reach out to on Valentine’s Day to make them feel loved:
    51. What can I do for Valentine’s Day that will make me feel feminine, empowered and confident?
    52. How is my feminine energy blocked?
    53. 1 action I can take to open myself up more to others
    54. What does receiving mean to me?
    55. One area of life I can ask for help
    56. What am I resisting in my life?
    57. In what area of life do I feel misaligned with my higher purpose?
    58. If I had a magic wand, what would I change about my life?
    59. One scary action I can take to change the course of my life for the better
    60. The reasons why I’m not taking this action
    61. What do I believe to be true about my current life situation?
    62. What are the reasons I believe I can’t change anything about my situation/life?
    63. One dream I have that I’m scared to say out loud
    64. Why am I scared to say it?
    65. What does being my higher self mean to me?
    66. What relationship do I have with my ego?
    67. What does spirituality mean to me?
    68. How can I elevate my spirituality in February?
    69. One spiritual friend I can reach out to and connect more with this month
    70. What does “letting go” mean to me?
    71. What are feelings I want to let go of in February?
    72. What are behaviours I want to let go of?
    73. What are 28 things I can let go of in February?
    74. What material things I am really attached to? Why?
    75. How can I detach myself from these material things?
    76. What can I do to be more in touch with my intuition this month?
    77. What daily action can I do to increase my emotional awareness?
    78. One thing I could do to improve my relationships
    79. One thing I am scared to express in relationships
    80. One person I miss
    81. One action I can do daily to choose myself
    82. One thing I want to say no to but am scared to disappoint
    83. One thing I would do if I didn’t care what people think of me
    84. How can I put myself first on a daily basis
    85. One thing I want to add to my morning routine in February
    86. What parts of myself am I scared to show and why
    87. One person I need to forgive and why
    88. What part of myself am I having a hard time accepting and why
    89. One thing I can affirm daily to boost self-confidence
    90. 3 affirmations I can tell myself to feel motivated
    91. What’s defines a “good” relationship?
    92. What defines a “good” friendship?
    93. How do I want to feel in a relationship? Do my past and current relationships reflect this?
    94. How do I want to feel in my friendships? Do my all friendships reflect that?
    95. How can I take more accountability in how I feel in my relationships?
    96. What feelings do I tend to avoid?
    97. How can I break that pattern and sit with those feelings?
    98. What is my gut feeling telling me about the direction my life is taking?
    99. What is my gut feeling telling me about my relationships?
    100. What would make me proud of myself?

Book recommendations to boost emotional awareness in February

Here are 2 books that I absolutely LOVED and can’t stop recommending to all my friends interested in personal growth, specifically on the topic of emotional awareness, love and relationships.

This book helped me to heal my toxic relationships patterns, literally. It’s helped me get rid of my insecurities in love (aka abandonment issues) or least, know what to do with them! Goodbye chasing emotionally unavailable people.

If you’re single, and feel like you can’t seem to find the right partner for you, this one is an absolute must.

Honestly, stop reading and get your hands on this book now. It’s going to change your life. 

The second book is about letting go. It helps to process emotions, without you even realizing it.

You should get your hand on this book now if you’re looking to elevate your consciousness and step into a higher version of yourself.

The more you read, you’ll feel a shift in the way you see yourself, and the way you feel about yourself and the world.

It’s not logical. It’s not just about understanding a theory and applying it. It’ll get you unstuck without you even realizing it!

Read it and see for yourself!

More journal prompts for personal growth

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Not finding what you’re looking for? Let me know in the comments below what other types of prompts you’d like to have!

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100 February Journal Prompts to Boost Your Emotional Awareness100 February Journal Prompts to Boost Your Emotional Awareness100 February Journal Prompts to Boost Your Emotional Awareness100 February Journal Prompts to Boost Your Emotional Awareness100 February Journal Prompts to Boost Your Emotional Awareness

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My name is Marie-Pier and I'm here to help you to fear less and live more. I push people out of their comfort zone to help them grow, and I'm known for my ability to ask the right questions. I’ve decided to use my gifts to empower women to become better versions of themselves and achieve their full potential. Welcome to the community!

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