woman self love and confidence

100 Self-Love Journal Prompts

If you’re a woman wanting to gain more confidence though self growth, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post is PACKED with self love journal prompts meant to help you heal, love yourself unconditionally and have breakthroughs.

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This blog post contains a gigantic list of self love questions, exercises and affirmations to help you reflect. There is no rule to use this list of self love journal prompts.

New to journaling? This post might help you, too:

> Easy Journaling Prompts for Beginners (How and What to Write)


Refer to the table of content below and scroll down directly where you want to start.

Table of content: self love journal prompts by category

1. Lists and enumerations

2. Affirmations for self love

3. Fill in the blanks prompts

4. Reflective questions

5. Self Growth Activities

P.S. Didn’t find your perfect journal yet? Shop my list of personal favourites here

1. Lists and enumerations prompts for self love

Use these self love journal prompts to make lists you want to remember. Refer to these lists anytime you need to give yourself more self love!

    1. Write down 10 qualities of yours that make you a respectable person.
    2. Write down a list of 10 accomplishments you are proud of, small and big.
    3. Write a list of 10 things you wouldn’t change about yourself.
    4. Write down your top 5 values you’re the most proud of.
    5. Write down 10 things you like about the way you show up at work.
    6. Write down your top 5 qualities that make your an exceptional employee.
    7. Write down the 3 compliments you get the most from your coworkers.
    8. Write down 5 things you praise yourself for at work.
    9. Write down 5 things you know you deserve at work considering the high value your bring to the table.
    10. Enumerate all the reasons you believe you should get a raise.
    11. Write down 10 qualities of yours that make you a good friend.
    12. Write down 5 reasons your friends are grateful for you.
    13. What are 3 social skills you have related to your relationships?
    14. What are 3 positive words you believe people would use to describe you?
    15. List 5 personality traits people admire about you.
    16. Write down 10 reasons why you deserve to get anything you want in life.
    17. Write down 10 qualities or traits you wish you had to become your ideal self.
    18. List 3 personality traits you admire in other people.
    19. These are within you; for each trait, write down how you could embody it within yourself.
    20. Write down 5 ways you could remind yourself daily you have these qualities within yourself.

Related post:

> Easy Journaling Prompts For Beginners (What and How to Write)

2. Affirmations for self love

Write down at least 5 affirmations for each of these self love journal prompts. Keep your favourite bookmarked and close for those times you could use self confidence!

Self worth

    1. I am loveable because:
    2. I am good enough for:
    3. Whatever made me feel _________, this feeling is valid.
    4. Even if I feel ___________, I deserve to be heard.
    5. Whenever I am ____________, I am still a human with feelings and deserve to be treated fairly.

Confidence at work

    1. I deserve to be spoken to in a ___________ way
    2. I deserve to be respected and spoken to like an equal by ______________
    3. Considering the high value I provide, I deserve to get ______________
    4. I will not tolerate to be treated _______________
    5. If I feel disrespected or devalued, I will ______________

Confidence and boundaries in relationships

    1. I do not need to prove anything to ________
    2. I am not overreacting when I _________
    3. If ________ cares about me, they will respect my boundaries
    4. It’s okay if ________ doesn’t understand me – my feelings are still valid
    5. I won’t try to convince ________ that I’m worthy of their respect
    6. I won’t let _________ convince me I’m wrong for having feelings
    7. I am equal and deserve respect from ____________.
    8. __________ ‘s feelings to my boundaries are not my responsibility.
    9. I am willing to be brave and speak up in front of ___________.
    10. I won’t let __________ convince me that I’m overreacting for having feelings.

Related posts:

> 10 Easy Affirmations for Expressing Boundaries Without Guilt

> 15 Affirmations for Self Confidence to Help Set Better Boundaries

3. Fill in the blanks for self love

These self love journal prompts work well for specific situations when you feel like you’re not good enough. Use them to remind yourself you’re worthy, always.

    1. I love myself for being ___________, even if sometimes I ____________.
    2. I am proud of myself for being __________ when I do ______________.
    3. I am proud to show up at __________ with ____________.
    4. I deserve to ___________, even if I believe I am ____________.
    5. My feeling of ___________ is valid even if I also feel __________ for having it
    6. I have the right to feel __________, even if I believe I shouldn’t.
    7. I love myself for __________, even if sometimes I feel ____________.
    8. I like ___________ about myself, even if sometimes I wish I _____________.
    9. I wouldn’t change ____________ about myself, even if sometimes I ___________.
    10. It’s okay for me to __________ when I feel ____________.
    11. When I will feel like I’m not good enough, I will __________.
    12. I accept myself for being ___________, even if sometimes I wish I were ___________.
    13. On days where I feel like __________, I will ___________.
    14. Even if I feel like __________, I will show up as ___________.
    15. When I start to doubt myself, I will remind myself that I am __________ and worthy of __________.
    16. Even if I don’t like being __________, I would never change __________ about myself.
    17. I don’t deserve to be treated __________ even when I __________.
    18. I am always worthy of __________, no matter how __________ I am.
    19. No one has the right to ___________, even when I am ___________,
    20. I will remind myself of those affirmations every ___________ by doing ____________.

Related post:

> Best Positive Affirmations for Confidence to Overcome Self Doubt

4. Reflective questions for self love

These are meant to help you dig deeper within yourself for self discovery and self acceptance. Take your time to answer those.

Reflective questions for self love

    1. What type of advice your friends come to you for? (that’s your genius zone)
    2. Why do your friends love you?
    3. What compliments you’re given a lot by friends and family?
    4. What wouldn’t you change about your relationships?
    5. What wouldn’t you change about yourself?
    6. How can you remind yourself every day you’re worthy?
    7. What are your most important values?
    8. Picture your ideal relationship: how do you deserve to be treated?
    9. Picture your ideal friendships: how do you deserve to be treated?
    10. What do you stand against? Are there some people in your circle who militate for those values?
    11. How do you allow other people to treat you?
    12. How do you treat other people?
    13. Is there a gap between the two previous questions? If so, how can you bridge this gap?
    14. What will you not tolerate in terms of how you want to be spoken to?
    15. What will you not tolerate in terms of how you are being treated by friends?
    16. What will you not tolerate in terms of communication with friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances and strangers?
    17. How will you protect yourself from being treated like your previous answers? How can you set boundaries?
    18. What will you do if your boundaries are not respected?
    19. How can you remind yourself that you deserve to be respected and to speak up for yourself?
    20. How can you gain the confidence to speak up and not settle for less?
    21. What traits and values of yours would you want to pass on if you had children?
    22. What would you like your parents to recognize you for?
    23. Considering the previous question, how can you give that to yourself?

Related post:

> 24 Personality Development Questions to Answer When You Feel Lost

5. Self Growth Activities

These are self love journal prompts that mostly use an outside perspective to reflect your positive traits upon yourself. I highly recommend you integrate them in your personal growth journey!

    1. Find 5 people you admire and list all the traits they have in common.
      1. How can you embody those traits yourself?
    2. Ask 5 people you feel very close to these questions:
      1. what 3 positive words best describe me?
      2. what do praise me for?
      3. why are you my friend/why do you love me?
    3. Ask 3 coworkers you like:
      1. What 3 qualities do you think make me really good at my job?
    4. Describe your ideal self in each of these areas:
      1. Personal growth
      2. Relationships (friends, family, partner)
      3. Career and money
      4. Spirituality
      5. Health and self care
    5. For each of these areas, describe how you can take one step forward today to become closer to your ideal self.
    6. Write down 3 reasons you don’t believe you could get there. Then, answer these questions:
      1. Why do you think so?
      2. How can you work through that belief and change the way you see your future?
      3. Write down what you need to reach those goals.

Related post:

> How to Write Intentions to Achieve Anything You Want

Would you like a downloadable PDF version of these prompts? If so, let me know by contacting me right here.

PSST… Don’t have a journal you like to write in? Shop my list of personal favourites here

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My name is Marie-Pier and I'm here to help you to fear less and live more. I push people out of their comfort zone to help them grow, and I'm known for my ability to ask the right questions. I’ve decided to use my gifts to empower women to become better versions of themselves and achieve their full potential. Welcome to the community!

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