woman feeling lost

24 Self-Discovery Questions For Women

I believe everyone has felt lost at some point in their lives. However, for some of us, that feeling hits harder. So, here are 24 personality development questions to help you in your self discovery journey. These are will put you back on track with who you are.

If you’re going through this phase right now, it’s most likely because you’ve not being used to be in touch with your feelings and with what YOU really want. You’ve made a lot of decisions to please other people. And because you didn’t believe in yourself, you believed what other people said about you. But it doesn’t always aligned with who you want to be. So you feel misaligned.

The good news is that if you’re here, you’re ready to change. Awareness is the first step to change, and that’s very brave.


You’re not as lost as you believe you are

The reason you’re here is probably because you need a change. You feel lost, misaligned, not authentic. Maybe you even feel like you are meant for so much more in life. And the reason this is happening is probably because you have not always been choosing yourself. And now, you’re ready to choose yourself.

Congrats, that’s very brave.

But to choose yourself, you have to know what you want… and you have to know yourself. And when you’re used to make choices to please others, that can be tricky. Well, don’t worry, I’ve been there too. I’ve felt so damn lost with myself. And in fact, a lot of women have felt the exact same way.

No matter how lost and lonely you feel, you’re not alone.


How personality development questions helped me overcome the feeling of being lost

There was a time when I felt so lost. I felt like my life was not AT ALL aligned with my desires and ambitions.

Well let me tell you, now that I’m looking back, it wasn’t that bad. SOME of my life choices didn’t align with me… but my overall direction was still very authentic to me. I only had to overcome some obstacles that were in my way.

And one of the main obstacle was, for me, that I didn’t believe in myself.

I needed to gain clarity on who I was. Answering to personality development questions and going through a self discovery journey helped me know myself better (obviously), gain self confidence, trust myself, listen to my intuition and ultimately make life choices that I’m totally at peace with.

Because now, I’m able to choose myself.

People now are telling me that I’m glowing. Well, I made a lot of inner work to get there. I’ve read many books, went to therapy, spent hours journaling (I still do), and much more. I NEEDED to find myself again after a dramatic breakup with my ex boyfriend. I found and answered a lot of personality development questions to help me define who I was outside of my relationships.


The good news: you’re on the right track

First things first, even if you feel like you don’t know who you are (or even if you feel like an imposter), the personality traits that make you who you are have always been there, and always will be.

No matter how you believe they show up in your life. I promise, people can see it. In fact, you’re probably the only person who doesn’t see yourself clearly.

That’s good news for you. Even if you do feel lost, it doesn’t mean that you are misaligned with yourself. That means that there is a gap between how you see yourself and how you are perceived in the world. I promise that how you are perceived by your loved ones is a much more accurate (and positive) reflection of who you are than the way you see yourself.


24 personality development questions for when you feel lost within yourself

Okay, let’s dive in. You know you need to find yourself. You might feel overwhelmed. So where to start?

There are many personality development questions you can answer to find yourself. In my personal journey from being totally lost to glowing up and knowing exactly what I stand for, what’s helped me the most was gaining an outside perspective on myself. Meaning, understanding how people see me and uncovering my most obvious traits through different personality tests.

First, let’s start with personality development questions to ask other people. You should ask those questions to the people who know you best. These questions aim to give you a better understanding of how you’re perceived by the people with whom you’re the most vulnerable with.

Trust me, even if you feel like you don’t always open up completely, your people know who you are. Asking these personality development questions is very scary, but I promise you’ll get results that are way more positive than what you expect. They will help you bridge the gap between who you think you’re showing to the world and what the world really sees.


8 personality development questions to ask the people who know you best

Before you start, make sure that you record or write down the answers. You might want to come back to it later in personal development journey. I suggest you ask a few people and you collect the answers. You’ll be surprised on the similarities between all the answers!

    1. What 3 words would best describe me?
    2. If I was a colour, which would I be and why?
    3. What would be my spiritual animal according to you?
    4. What was your first impression of me?
    5. What first impression do I give to people?
    6. What am I really good at?
    7. What do you think I’m passionate about?
    8. If I won an award, what would it be for?

Try to collect answers from family, friends, acquaintances and coworkers. It’ll give you a good idea on how you show up in different instances in your life. You will then be able to assess with whom you feel the most like yourself

3 free and extremely useful tools to help you understand yourself better

These tools are apps and tests in which you gets personalized results after answering different questions. They’ve acted as a guide for me in moments where I really needed to realigned myself. I still use them whenever I need guidance or a reminder of who I am and what I’m capable of.

1. The Myers and Briggs Personality test

If you haven’t already passed that test, do it now. This test is a (quick) psychological evaluation tool based on the 16 personality types. It has a strong test retest reliability. Meaning, you could pass that test over again and you would get the SAME results. After you’ve uncovered your personality type, you can find a lot of resources to learn about the main characteristics.

There’s a lot of websites where you can pass the test for free, here’s one I like: 16personalities.com

2. The Pattern

If you don’t already know about this app, you’re going to LOVE it. The Pattern is an astrology app that will give you a lot of useful insights about… your patterns. You don’t have to be really into astrology to enjoy this app. It is actually quite down to earth.

Once you’ve answered a few questions about yourself, it paints a good picture of your patterns in life regarding all different areas, such as work, purpose, relationships and more. And let me tell you, I’ve found this sh*t pretty accurate for me.

You can download the app here:

The Pattern for iOs

The Pattern for Android

3. The Attachment Style Quiz

Our attachment style mainly comes from childhood… like most of the patterns we develop growing up. If you’ve experienced repeated dramatic or very tough breakups, you will benefit from knowing your attachment style. Of course, knowing your attachment style is not enough to make a change. But it is the very first step of a healing process.

Take the test now

If taking this test was a breakthrough for you, or if one of your goals is to find a long, lasting and healthy relationship (and stop attracting toxic ones), then i HIGHLY recommend you read the book Attached from Amir Levine. This book literally changed my life (as well as all my friend’s lives to whom I recommended it to).


13 Questions to answer yourself when you feel lost within yourself

Finally, here are some other personality development questions you can dive in to find more about yourself and your patterns. I recommend to take your time answering those. I would even say, don’t try to answer to all the questions on the same day. But, at the end of the day, you do you.

    1. What did I enjoy doing the most when I was a kid?
    2. What are my best childhood memories? What was I doing?
    3. What’s the first impression I believe I have on people?
    4. What’s the first impression I would like people to have of me?
    5. What are the personality traits in my mother I recognize in myself?
    6. What’s the type of people I usually attract in my life (romantic and friendship) and what attracts me in those people?
    7. What’s a common pattern do I recognize in my friendships? How do they affect me?
    8. What’s a common pattern do I recognize in my past relationships? How do they affect me?
    9. What are my greatest strengths?
    10. What are my biggest challenges?
    11. What are my core values?
    12. What 3 words would I use to describe myself?
    13. How would I describe myself in one sentence?


Even the people who know themselves very well can feel lost sometimes. Feeling lost is normal; it’s part of being human. The most important thing is how you respond when it happens. The more you grow and the more you get to know yourself, the faster you can come back home to yourself when these moments happen. Yes, diving deeply into these questions is hard, but I promise it’s very rewarding at the end of the day. You got this.



> The Best Questions for Personal Development to Find Yourself

> Why Is It Important to Get To Know Yourself Better to Live Happier

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My name is Marie-Pier and I'm here to help you to fear less and live more. I push people out of their comfort zone to help them grow, and I'm known for my ability to ask the right questions. I’ve decided to use my gifts to empower women to become better versions of themselves and achieve their full potential. Welcome to the community!

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