night journal prompts

30 Night Time Journal Prompts To Reflect and Unwind

Whether you’re a journaling expert or just starting, writing daily before bedtime is a perfect way to unwind and set intentions for tomorrow. Over time, night time journaling will help you do more of what you love and less of what drains your energy. These specific night journal prompts will help you reflect on the day and set intentions for tomorrow.

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Not Disciplined Enough to Journal Consistently?

How many times have you looked at your brand new journal thinking “I should start journaling”?

It’s not that you don’t know journaling can benefit you. It’s not that you’re not motivated to write. Nor that you’re not willing to work on your personal growth.

I would say if you’re here, that’s actually quite the opposite.

Maybe you’re skeptical, cause you don’t really feel the need to write.

Or you might not know where to start, asking yourself what the heck would you even write?

So, you never really bothered to develop the habit of journaling.

Sounds familiar?

Psst… Are you new to journaling? You might like this post:

> Easy Journaling Prompts For Beginners (What and How to Write)

How Much Do You Believe Journaling Can Benefit You?


The queen of avoidance

Before I started journaling, I used to suppress every feeling that came up and avoid any thought that made me feel uncomfortable.

I was totally dismissing what was wrong with my life; I was an expert avoidant.

I was living my life at such a fast pace that I didn’t allow myself to stop and look inward. Regardless of very uncomfortable (sometimes painful) stomach aches. Oh and those too, I would dismiss.

I was extra busy, never making time for myself. Finding myself alone with my thoughts? Thanks, but no thanks.

Then, some emotionally wrecking events happened almost all at once.

I had a pretty ugly break up. Then I realized I didn’t feel really supported through that break up. That’s when I also realized that one of my long term friendships wasn’t lifting me up, but rather making me miserable.

As it this wasn’t enough, the break up led me to moved in with a roommate. So at 29, I found myself newly single and moving in a share apartment.

And as if this wasn’t enough, I quickly noticed that I was constantly walking on eggshells, in my own home, to avoid being blamed for my behaviours.

And then the pandemic hit.


The breakthrough

That’s when I really had time to realize my cup was totally full. No not full. Overflowing.

The pandemic gave me the opportunity to stop avoiding my thoughts and face my truths: I was allowing too many people to treat me unfairly. My boundaries were… non existent.

I was allowing too much unhappiness in my life.

This needed to stop. I needed to understand what was wrong with me (finally!).

So I started 2 things. One, reading every self development books I could find, especially on relationships. And two, I started journaling.

This led me to really start loving myself and setting boundaries. Thanks to the self-awareness journaling brought me.

I cannot begin to explain how different my life is now.

I have been journaling daily for over 2 years now. So now, I can confidently tell you that the night journal prompts I selected for this blog post are going to help you move forward with your life and potentially blow up your personal growth.


The 30 Night Journal Prompts You Need For a Total Glow Up

A glow up doesn’t happen overnight. It happens over time. After working on yourself for a certain period of time, you’ll start experiencing breakthroughs.

But first, you need to develop the habit of working on yourself, daily.


1. Night Journal Prompts to Reflect on Today

    1. How did I feel this morning when I woke up?
    2. What is the FIRST thing you did when you woke up thing morning, before even getting out of bed?
    3. Describe your morning routine.
    4. What was my most positive moment today? Explain why you felt so good.
    5. Write down 3 ways you can create more moments like those tomorrow.
    6. Who did I talk to today who brightened up my day?
    7. What is something I wish I didn’t spend so much time on today?
    8. What is something I wish I did today but did have time to?
    9. Describe your day with 3 words:
    10. What is something I’m proud of today?
    11. If I could go back in time at any moment today and change something, what would it be? Why?
    12. If I was to die today, how much would I be happy with how I spent my last day? Why?
    13. On a scale of 1-10, how productive do you feel your day was? Explain your answer.
    14. Is there anything you wish you had more time to do today?
    15. On a scale on 1-10, how tired do I feel now?
    16. What made me feeling so tired/so energized?
    17. Write down 3 things your grateful for today.

You might also like this post:

> The Most Impactful Journal Propmts For Women’s Self Growth

2. Night Journal Prompts to Set new intentions

    1. What do I absolutely want to make time for tomorrow?
    2. How can I make sure I make time for it?
    3. What is a negative habit I noticed consumes a lot of my time?
    4. Write down 3 actionable ways you can reduce the time you spend doing it.
    5. What is a habit I would like to incorporate in my daily routine?
    6. How will I start this habit tomorrow?
      1. What is my long term goal with this habit? Be precise (time spent, frequency, etc.)
      2. What’s the smallest step I can take tomorrow to start implementing this habit?
      3. At what time of day will I do it?
      4. How will I remember?
      5. Where is it going to happen?
    7. If I had a magic wand, what would I instantly eliminate from my life so I don’t have to face it tomorrow?
    8. If tomorrow was my last day on earth, what would I do differently from today?
    9. Describe your ideal day in 3 words.
    10. What are 3 things I can do tomorrow, despite my schedule, to make it an ideal day?
    11. Visualize yourself waking up tomorrow morning. Describe in details the first hour of your morning tomorrow, from the moment you open your eyes.
    12. Describe how you feel now in 3 words.
    13. What word would best describe your intention for the day of tomorrow?

You might also like the following blog post:

> How To Write Intentions To Achieve Anything You Want

Hey… are you into reading at all?

If so, I CANNOT recommend you enough to get a hand of the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear. This practical guide will help you create, stick or get rid of habits, no matter what they are.

Click here to shop Atomic Habits


The hardest challenge is not to actually write, but to create the habit to do so consistently. Use these night journal prompts as many times as you like. They will not get old. You’ll see how interesting it is to compare your answers with the old you. Over time, the more you get used to writing, the less you will need those journal prompts. However, keep them close as they will always be useful. Happy journaling!

Psst… didn’t find your perfect journal yet? Find it right here

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30 Night Time Journal Prompts To Reflect and Unwind30 Night Time Journal Prompts To Reflect and Unwind30 Night Time Journal Prompts To Reflect and Unwind

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My name is Marie-Pier and I'm here to help you to fear less and live more. I push people out of their comfort zone to help them grow, and I'm known for my ability to ask the right questions. I’ve decided to use my gifts to empower women to become better versions of themselves and achieve their full potential. Welcome to the community!

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