confident woman - stop saying sorry

How To Stop Saying Sorry For No Reason

Are you always saying sorry for no reason? Spoiler: you don’t need to gain confidence before you stop apologizing too much… it works the other way around! To stop saying sorry will help you to increase your confidence. In this post you’ll find some tips to turn this bad habit around!


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What happens when you stop saying sorry for no reason

Here’s what you’ll notice happening when you stop saying sorry, you will:

    1. Realize that not saying sorry is not rude
    2. Gain more confidence
    3. Make people respect you more
    4. Attract people who want to help you, listen to you and support you
    5. Put yourself first more easily
    6. Say no more easily
    7. Get rid of guilt
    8. Stop caring if people like you or not
    9. Push away (nicely) people that are bad for you
    10. Be empowered to take charge and go get anything you want

So, ready?


Why you’re always apologizing for nothing 

Women have been raised to be nice, smile and be “feminine” if they want to be loved.

In other words, to be apologetic and to put themselves last, always.

This stops today.

And it starts with you.

And every other women who is way too apologetic to take the place they deserve.

See, the problem is that women who are too apologetic are not perceived as high-value women

And, most importantly, if you’re always apologetic even when you’re not doing something wrong, you will attract people who treat you badly.

People who treat other people like they’re inferior will keep doing so as long as non one stands up against them.

Think about this; how can someone think that they’re doing something wrong if no one has ever told them they were wrong?

Maybe these people are oblivious. Because they’ve acted like this all their life.

I’m not giving them excuses. What I’m trying to say is, women need to step up and teach people how they want to be treated.

And to stop saying sorry is the first step.

Here’s why:

Stop saying sorry is the smallest step you can take that’s not compromising to your relationships.

It’s a little step that’s going to make a major difference in the way you act and show up.

And because of that, you’re slowly going to gain more and more confidence.

To stop being sorry and to be unapologetic doesn’t mean that you need to go against your nature, be rude or be a b*tch to anyone.

I consider myself as a very kind, compassionate and empathetic person. But I’m unapologetic when it comes to how I’m being treated. I know my value, and I will not accept to be treated like anything less than a human being.

What to say instead of saying sorry

Instead of saying sorry for nothing, you should say: Thank you.

I know it might seem odd, but just hear me out.

Let me give you some examples.

Let me just say that saying thank you won’t just have an effect on yourself, but on other people as well.

And that’s where the magic lies:

Everyone likes to be appreciated. When you start to say thank you, people around you will feel appreciated more by you.

And they’ll like that. It’ll make them feel better. YOU will make them feel better.

They’ll start to respect you more.

You’ll feel a shift in your interactions with other people.

Saying thank you and showing appreciation will reinforce other people’s desires to help you. They will try and be useful to you, and they’ll want to treat you well.

Think about it; everyone wants to be useful.

How do you feel when you know you’ve helped someone you loved, or even someone you barely know?

You feel good about yourself.

The power of the words “thank you” are underrated, and we need to change that.


Examples: When to say thank you instead of sorry

    1. When we want to ask a question, we’ll often say “hey, sorry. Do you know … ?”

      Stop that. If someone gives you their attention, ask your question, then say thank you.

    2. When someone lets us pass, we’ll often say “sorry…” and then rapidly walk by. Why? Just look at them and say thank you. Both of you will feel much better, and less awkward.

    3. “Sorry I can’t make it tonight (+ give a bullsh*t excuse)” turns into “hey I can’t make it tonight, I need to rest I’ve been really tired lately. Thank you for understanding”.

    4. “Sorry I’m crying” turns into thank you for being here for me.

    5. “Sorry for the wait” turns into “thank you for waiting”.

See where I’m going? And it’s not even rude or uncomfortable!

How to actually stop saying sorry

Now the next thing I recommend you do is start acknowledging how many times you say sorry in a day.

Notice when it happens the most, or should I say with whom: at work, with your partner, your friends, strangers?

Then ask yourself how can you tweak the words to say thank you instead of saying sorry.

And practise. Practise practise practise.

Believe me, you’ll start to realize how often you are sorry for no reason.

And it might even start annoying you. (Which is a good thing in my opinion).

Once you notice, you’ll be able to make a real change.



I hope you’re starting to see how this empowers you to stop saying sorry the first chance you get. Saying sorry is probably one of the hardest habit you’re going to break in your life. But it’s worth the shot. Stop saying sorry and watch the shift in your confidence and the attitude of other people around you. You got this.

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My name is Marie-Pier and I'm here to help you to fear less and live more. I push people out of their comfort zone to help them grow, and I'm known for my ability to ask the right questions. I’ve decided to use my gifts to empower women to become better versions of themselves and achieve their full potential. Welcome to the community!

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